Community Fundraising
General Mills Box Tops for Education Contest
Our school participates in the General Mills Box Tops For Education Program. This program gives our school the opportunity to earn cash. Each month families handing in a minimum of 50 Box Tops will receive a Free Dress Pass for your children. It is important that you put your family name on the envelope with the Box Tops when they are turned in. All Box Tops must show and have current due dates (coupons with expired dates do not count). The Box Tops for Education Program is transitioning to digital. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit the school’s Box Top’s earnings online. Contact the school office if you have any questions.
Donations and Charitable Gifts
St. Peter Martyr School is a non-profit, 501 c (3) organization and gladly accepts monetary donations that are tax deductible. Gifts in kind are accepted if we have a need for the item offered. Several families assist us through matching funds programs from their employers. Our school has memorial cards to remember family or friends. We also have scholarship programs established to assist our school families for which donations can be made in someone’s name or memory. A memorial gift to St. Peter Martyr School is a direct participation in the Catholic education of children. An acknowledgement of your gift will be sent to the family or friends of the memorialized person as you direct. This acknowledgement will give your name as the donor. The amount given will not be specified unless requested. If you wish any further information regarding donations and charitable gifts please contact the school office.