Welcome to Kindergarten!
Kindergarten Digital Learning Platforms:
- Clever
- Studies Weekly
- iReady
- BrainPop
- ClassDojo
- Superkids Online Fun
Kindergarten Curriculum
Our kindergarten program provides variety, flexibility and structure. Play, fantasy, creativity, and individual choices are encouraged. Learning activities and formal lessons are woven into the child’s day. Formal lessons in pre-reading and math are presented to all of the children with an understanding that each child will absorb as much as she/he can. We follow the Common Core curriculum in math and English language arts.
There is a constant awareness of the importance of the child’s self-esteem. Praise is given and appreciation is shown for the child’s efforts. It is important that each child feels good about the effort that he/she puts in his/her work. The children are taught to appreciate the uniqueness and individuality of their peers and to treat each other with kindness and respect.
There is a little bit of homework usually related to the letter or the Math chapter we are working on. The work should take no longer than about fifteen minutes and would require some parental supervision. The most effective homework a child can do is to be read to at home.
Here’s what a typical Kindergarten day looks like:
8:10 - 8:30Technology: iReady, Seesaw programs
8:30 - 9:00 Morning Meeting: After children clean up, we meet at the carpet area to sing songs, read stories, say our morning prayers and talk about what are day and schedule.
9:00 - 9:30 Learning time: We will have a station rotation learning time in Math where children will be provided with different activities to enhance their learning.
9:30 - 10:00 Learning time: We will have a station rotation learning time in English Language Art where children will be provided with different activities to enhance their learning.
10:00 - 10:15 Recess
10:15 - 10:45 Learning time: Social Studies and Science
10:45 - 11:15 Science, Students will be doing different experiments and activities of the day
11:15 - 11:55 Practicing Reading
11:55 - 12:25 Lunch
12:25 - 12:55 Outside time
1:00 - 1:30 Art, Religion
1:30 - 2:00 Afternoon Ending Meeting: Gather up at the carpet and talk about our day and what we have learned.Ending Prayer and song.
2:00 - 2:15 Snack
2:15 - 2:30 Outside time
2:30 - 2:45 Pack up and get ready to end the day
2:45 Dismissal: Children are dismissed outside.