St. Peter Martyr uses Clever as a single sign on portal for many of the educational websites and applications that we use during the school day. Students are provided either a QR badge or email address and password for log in. Please reach out to your classroom teacher if you need login access.
Google Classroom/GSuite for Education
Studies Weekly Online
SuperKids Online Fun.
All St. Peter Martyr students in grades K-8 are enrolled in their grade level program on the Mathletics website. User IDs and passwords are sent home with all students (K-8) at the beginning of each school year. If you have lost yours, please contact your student's classroom teacher.
Accelerated Reader Independent Reading Program
St. Peter Martyr School encourages students to participate in this independent reading program. Students select books within their reading range from the AR test list. Within 24 hours of finishing the book, students take a reading quiz and immediately receive a report of their score. Students are encouraged to set their own reading goals; in addition, standard goals may be set for them by their teacher. Students who achieve standard or personal goals may receive various awards.